Monthly Satsang
Coming together in Community.
The human mind is a very receptive instrument. If you place it in negative company, it will acquire negative tendencies. If you place it in holy company, it will acquire divine traits. When thinking of saints, the mind becomes molded into the shape of the qualities of which it thinks, and thereby it becomes pure… Real satsang gives the aspirant inner spiritual strength to face the struggles of life, overcome temptations, manage inner cravings and fill the mind with positive divine thoughts.
Swami Sivananda Saraswati
“Satsang” is a combination of two sanskrit words: sat meaning “Truth” and sanga meaning “in company of”. So when we gather for satsang we are coming together in the company or community of Truth.
The Yoga Academy of North America (YANA),are delighted to be host these monthly informal gatherings of spiritual reflection, discussion, meditation and other practices to support each other on the journey of living yoga from moment to moment.
Each month we invite master teachers (acharyas), aspiring yogis/yoginis, sevaks and devotees of the Satyananda Yoga community to offer support & inspiration on the path of yogic living.
YANA would love to hear how you’re supporting your own local community through classes, devotional practices, service work or any other project being offered in the effort to live yoga of the head, heart and hands.
If you have something you would like to offer or a discussion topic suggestion please email us at
Yoga and Trauma
Adapt your Presence & Practice to Better Serve Yourself & Those Living with Trauma
February 23, 2025
6.00pm - 7.15pm EST
with Sannyasi Yogatara
This is a free event.
The world can feel increasingly overwhelming these days. Whether it’s natural disasters, wars, social upheaval or political uncertainty, these events add on to the challenges and stressors we may have already had - or are currently experiencing.
In this 75 min satsang learn the basics of what happens in trauma and how you can strategically use and adapt yogic tools to better support yourself and your community who are living with its effects.
In this session, you’ll learn about:
The hallmarks of trauma: why it happens, how it happens & what it “looks” like.
How to best help: what to do & what to avoid doing.
Practices of “self regulation” using yoga.
Why relaxation doesn’t always work and what to do instead.
Yoga, as a life science, is a powerful tool for healing. One of its more potent “medicines” is satsang — coming together in the spirit of positivity, inspiration & support.
We look forward to gathering with you.
YANA is a non-profit organization and any monetary support allows us to continue to offer affordable programming to all. If you wish to make an offering, please CLICK HERE
Sannyasi Yogatara first discovered Yoga 30 years ago and has studied and practiced in the tradition of the Bihar School for over 20 years.
She holds degrees in biochemistry, applied yogic science and transpersonal psychology and is a certified Somatic Experiencing (SE) practitioner.
After the devastating 2015 earthquakes in Nepal, her home for 25 years, she trained- and specialised in the renegotiation of trauma. Yogatara draws upon the authentic teachings of Satyananda Yoga, SE and spiritual psychology to support individuals and communities in need through individual consultations and trainings worldwide.
Since 2021 she has served on the board of YANA.
To connect & learn more:
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