Learning to give leads to transformation.
YANA continues to support the seva project of yoga classes at the Orca House in Cleveland, providing recovery services for those suffering from addiction.
Seva Initiative
"Seva is serving and helping others with compassion. Seva contains the best there is in you. When it is offered to another being and it contains your best thoughts and feelings, your love and affection, sympathy and compassion, then that action becomes a blessing in disguise to uplift another being." ~Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
A central tenet of Satyananda Yoga is selfless service (Seva) to others. The act of giving is a powerful tool for personal development.
Paramahansa Satyananda culminated a lifetime of intense yoga practice by taking personal responsibility for every villager in his vicinity. He proves that one person can make a profound difference in the lives of many. The Yoga Academy encourages the Satyananda Yoga community to reach out to serve those in need. The YANA Seva Initiative will help you do just that. Apply now.
Seva Project in Baltimore
The Wise Heart Community's Project - Days for Girls
The Days for Girls project distributes washable and reusable feminine hygiene kits to young women in developing countries. Since many of these girls have to stay home from school or work during their monthly cycles for lack of sanitary supplies, the kits allow them to pursue their educations or work opportunities without interruption. Wise Heart's kits have been delivered to places across the globe, including Kenya, Tanzania, Haiti, Nepal, and Sierra Leone.
In 2016 over 500 kits were taken to the village girls surrounding the rural area of Deoghar, India. Thank you to all who helped make this possible! Through sew-a-thons and fundraising, we accomplished our goal!
Supplies for each kit cost approximately $8 and each kit requires 8 woman-hours of labor. If you would like to continue to support this project, please use the "donate" button below, indicating Days for Girls, and help these girls transform their lives.
YANA provided $400 through the YANA Seva Initiative and an additional $1105 in donations from students and staff of the Atma Center in Cleveland, OH.
Contact Sn Shambhavi for more information
Volunteer Opportunities
Current volunteer opportunities with YANA include:
Help with our annual fundraising auction
Write an article for the newsletter
Sponsor an event
Make a donation
Offer feedback
Spread the word
Participate in committee work
If you are interested in volunteering please contact us via this form.