“You are full of Energy, use it for the service of others, raise their consciousness level and live to make the world a better place”
A central tenet of the SATYANANDA YOGA® tradition is selfless service (Seva) to others. The act of giving is a powerful tool for personal development. Paramahamsa Satyananda culminated a lifetime of intense yoga practice by taking personal responsibility for every villager in his vicinity. He proved that one person can make a profound difference in the lives of many. You can do the same. YANA encourages the Satyananda Yoga community to reach out to serve those in need. The application of Yoga for positive change is unlimited. Push the limits. Give back. YANA wants to help fund Satyananda Yoga-related service projects.
Main Objective of Funding
To carry forward Swami Satyananda’s message of Serve, Love, Give within the context of North America.
To ensure that Yoga reaches underserved populations.
To further YANA’s mission to support the awareness and growth of Yoga throughout North America in order to enhance the well being of individuals and society.
What we Fund
Single or ongoing projects to underserved populations in North America based on the teachings of Satyananda Yoga. For example: low income groups, prisons, people with special needs, etc.
The teachings have to be offered by a Satyananda Yoga accredited teacher. Supporting documents must be provided with application.
What component(s) can be funded:
Space – venue rental
Teaching supplies – handouts, flyers
Practice supplies – yoga mats, blankets, etc.
Transportation – gas expenses for teacher
Amount of Money funded:
Maximum amount is $500 per application.
What we DO NOT Fund
General Classes to mixed income groups.
Projects outside of North America.
Projects conducted by a non-accredited Satyananda Yoga teacher.
Teaching mixed styles of yoga. Must be exclusively Satyananda Yoga.
Compensation for teaching (this is seva).
What we need
Details of program - objectives, duration, location, etc (see guidelines – Appendix A)
Post funding documentation for accountability to donors:
Proof that Satyananda Yoga was taught. (Copies of handouts, class plans, photographs, recordings.)
Feedback Teacher’s experience during the program, host feedback, and/or participant feedback including any particular benefits/changes experienced.
Research Data if any.
Use of Funds There must be proof of use of funds (receipts, supply of handouts, photographs).
Evidence that YANA’s contribution, support and role have been communicated to the organizers and participants (eg: banner, YANA logo on handout etc.)
How to Apply
Please fill in the the form below
The YANA board will send you an acknowledgment that your application was received. Please allow up to eight weeks for YANA to reply.
If YANA decides that your project might qualify for funding, we will contact you to discuss the next steps and whether any further information is required.
Waiver of Liability
I understand that there are serious inherent risks with all physical activity, and that when doing yoga or engaging in any similarly strenuous pursuit, I may suffer minor or serious injury. I understand these risks, and assume responsibility for my own health, releasing the Yoga Academy of North America and their staff and volunteers from any liability. I further understand that I will be required to fill out a health questionnaire and disclose forms of treatment I am currently undergoing.