Fundamentals of Satyananda Yoga
A solid foundation is the key to creating a yoga practice that not only sustains you, but that endures the test of time and the whims of the mind. In this series we focus on the fundamental practices of Satyananda Yoga. Build a strong foundation and develop your practice through consistent engagement with the “yoga basics”. Come off the mat feeling more at home in your body, more at ease in your mind, and with an awareness and confidence that will support you “off the mat”.
Classes cover the preliminary practices of asana, including the unique Pawanmuktasana series as well as the Sun Salutation, pranayama, and meditation.
No matter your ability and/or experience level, our qualified teachers will provide modifications to meet your unique needs.
Yoga Nidra & Meditation
The focus in this class is turning the mind away from the external sensorial dimension to develop a deeper internal awareness of our being at the energetic, emotional, and mental level.
Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be able to hold intense focus or concentration at the outset in order to practice; your mind will wander and thoughts will arise, and that is OK!
Yoga Nidra is practiced first to release tensions and develop relaxation at multiple levels so that we may better connect with our internal dimension. The practice of yoga nidra is progressed systematically.
Meditation is practiced right afterwards to cast the light of awareness on various aspects of our being. Meditation practices focus on Kaya Sthairyam (body steadiness), a deep practice in its own right, and Antar Mouna (Inner Silence).
Class Level:
Our current class offerings are at the beginner/intermediate level and are suitable for those in the early stages of their yoga journey as well as for those looking to strengthen their foundations and refine their skills in order to go deeper. Some of the key practices covered in the classes are described here.
Session Duration: 8 weeks (ongoing)
Follow classes consistently for the 8-week series, or drop in any time for a “pick me up”. All are welcome. Our suggestion for “success”: start simple. Choose one class time per week that will be easy for you to attend. If you can attend more than that one class, wonderful. If not, you will have the benefit of sticking to a simple discipline.
1. What is Satyananda Yoga?
Satyananda Yoga is a living tradition of Yoga that promotes the growth & wellbeing of the whole person. Its unique approach includes traditional yoga practices, techniques, as well as life disciplines that bring about health & balance on all levels, and in all aspects of our lives.
2. What can I expect from a SY class?
A typical class, unless otherwise specified, includes asana (physical postures), pranayama (techniques involving the breath), and meditation. You will be guided through the practices with clear verbal instructions given by the teacher, in a systematic manner. There are short pauses in between each practice in order to experience the effects. Although practices can be physically demanding, this is not a “hot yoga” nor an intense physical workout. Overall, the emphasis is on developing awareness and working with your unique self. There’s no need to be flexible or able to sit still for long periods of time to begin practicing yoga. Some of the key practices covered in a SY class are described here.
3. Do I have to have experience in Yoga to get the most out of the class?
Not at all. To get the most out of the class, choose the right level of class for you.
4. I’m not flexible and have some health limitations. Is this the yoga style for me?
Absolutely. We don’t come to a yoga practice already flexible. We develop flexibility through practice. The truth is that each body is unique. Some of us will gain in flexibility, some of us will not as much. What we do gain is awareness, a healthier body, mind and heart, as well as the gift of feeling more ease with ourselves. Our instructors are trained to modify the practices to different physical abilities. Whether you have physical limitations or are dealing with a health condition you’ll find classes welcoming. Please notify the instructor beforehand if you have specific concerns and/or limitations.
5. How hard of a work out is this?
Unless otherwise indicated, most classes are relatively gentle. That doesn’t mean that you won’t feel tested, nor a “good” soreness afterwards.
The pace of the classes and the systematic approach make it so that you’re not out of breath or working up a sweat that leaves you depleted.
6. What props do I need for class?
A yoga mat, cushion, and blanket. Depending on your flexibility, for certain practices yoga blocks and yoga straps may be helpful.
7. Do I need to attend all 8 weeks of class or can I drop in?
Our classes are structured in 8-week sessions. Join all 8 weeks and experience the benefit of a disciplined practice. This can build your confidence and give you the satisfaction of following through. On the other hand, if you just need a dash of inspiration and support in your practice, or if your schedule changes each week, you’re more than welcome to join in. We’d love to see you on the mat.
8. Who is teaching the classes?
Our accredited teachers and other approved instructors conduct the classes. Training in the SY tradition is extensive, requiring at least two years of study, including theory and practice.
9. Who can I speak with if I have questions about the classes?
Write to us at
10. Are the classes recorded so that I can access them again?
The live Yoga classes online are not recorded. Our on demand workshops and courses are, however. Have a look!