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Satsang with Yogacharya Swami Anandananda Saraswati

Time: 11:00AM - 12:30PM ET (USA)

Location: Online via Zoom

There is no charge for this event.

Dakshina (donations) accepted. Donation Link


This is a unique opportunity to engage with a highly respected teacher who has dedicated his life to spreading the wisdom of yoga under the guidance of his guru, Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

This event is being held in the lead-up to Guru Poornima, a sacred time to honor and celebrate our spiritual teachers. Our time with Swami Anandananda’s will include reflections of his time living in the ashram under the guidance of his guru Sri Swamiji. 

As part of this traditional Satsang format, there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and receive answers on various aspects of yogic living.

About Swami Anandananda Saraswati

Born in 1951, Swami Anandananda Saraswati met his guru and spiritual master, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, in 1979 and was initiated into the tradition of Sannyasa in 1980.

Yogacharya of Satyananda Yoga Ashram Italia, since 1980 he has been teaching and spreading yoga under the instructions of his guru, specialising in the advanced techniques of yoga,  such as kriya yoga, tattwa shuddhi, nada yoga, mantra, and other meditation techniques according to the SATYANANDA YOGA tradition.

In 1982, he founded the “Scuola di Yoga Satyananda Ashram Italia” and the following year, the publishing house “Edizioni Satyananda Ashram Italia.” He has led seminars and workshops at international conferences across Europe, India, Australia, Colombia, and South Africa.

Swami Anandananda Saraswati conducts yoga teacher training courses and service training lectures and seminars on different aspects and branches of yoga. He regularly participates in events at Munger and Rikhiapeeth Ashrams. Since 2013, he has been a member of the Yoga Vidya Council and the Governing Body of Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe.